What Students Will See & Hear

Live music
Includes commentary between pieces and a Q&A
Recommended for Grades 3-12

See and hear “The Pride of Minnesota” at this lively, joyful, and participatory indoor concert preview of halftime favorites and more! Join the fun as you learn more about the University of Minnesota (UMN) Marching Band made up of over 320 members under the direction of Professor Betsy McCann and Dr. John Leonard. Experience the energy and discover the dedication behind one of UMN’s most highly visible organizations that provides enthusiastic support to the University’s athletic programs and represents the University at events throughout the year. 


“They’re the unsung heroes … of the sports calendar. Their beats fill the breaks between the plays on the field; they keep fans glued to their seats at halftime; and without them, the ‘Rouser’ would fail to rouse.” —Minnpost


Teacher & Student Resources

Find educational resources in the tabs below to use before and after the performance.

Pre-event video (On-demand)

Watch the on-demand version of the informational video that will play before the event.

Pre-event video (in-person)

Watch the informational video that will play in the theatre before the event.

The U of M Marching Band in the "M" formation on the football field

Write a Review

Ask students to imagine that they are an arts critic for the school newspaper. They are going to write a review of the performance to inform others about what they experienced. They should describe with detail and accuracy:

  • What they saw 
  • What they heard 
  • What the performance was about (in their opinion) or the story it conveyed 
  • How the performance made them feel 
  • What the performance reminded them of 
  • What their favorite part was and why 
  • Would they recommend it and why

Remind the students that they must paint a picture of the experience with their words so that others who did not see the performance can imagine it as vividly as possible.

drum section

Follow the U of M Marching Band on Social Media


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