Learn & Engage

Bus Reimbursement Program

Northrop is dedicated to making it possible for all students to experience the performing arts! Studies show that the arts cultivate creativity, boost critical thinking, and help students make meaningful connections to the world around them. With reduced ticket prices and a bus reimbursement program, Northrop makes the thrill of witnessing world-class dance and the opportunity to imagine themselves on a college campus a reality for students.

For the VocalEssence WITNESS student matinee, we are offering free tickets instead of bus reimbursement. If you are facing a financial barrier to securing bussing for the concert, please email matinees@umn.edu and we will be happy to work with you on a case-by-case basis to provide some support.

students in line for a bus smiling

Photo by Tim Rummelhoff.

All Schools Are Eligible

The process is simple.

  1. Reserve tickets for Northrop matinees.
  2. Order and pay for busing through your regular method for your group for the date of the matinee performance/s.

  3. Fill out the bus reimbursement form below.

  4. After the performance, email or mail the completed form and attach a paid copy of the transportation bill.

  5. Complete the survey that is emailed to you after the show.

  6. Once Northrop receives the required documents and completed survey, you will be reimbursed promptly.

Students line up to board a school bus parked outside Northrop.

Reimbursement Amounts

Amounts are determined by the location of your school. See details below.

  • Schools in Minneapolis and St. Paul are reimbursed 100%.
  • 7- County Metro School Districts are reimbursed up to $180 per bus.
    (Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington)
  • Districts outside the 7-County Metro are reimbursed up to $450 per bus.

Bus Reimbursement Form

School Info

School Address

Main Contact Info

Contact Address

Who should the payment be sent to?

Financial Address

Which performance did you attend for this receipt?

For the VocalEssence WITNESS student matinee, we are offering free tickets instead of bus reimbursement. If you are facing a financial barrier to securing bussing for the concert, please email matinees@umn.edu and we will be happy to work with you on a case-by-case basis to provide some support.

Required Information

One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, zip.
Please download the latest W9 form from the IRS
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, pdf, doc, docx, .
You will receive the survey link via email after the performance.

Please note the reimbursement amount is contingent on the City/Region/School District of the school.  

  • Schools in Minneapolis and St. Paul
    Subsidy Amount: 100%
  • Seven county metro including Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, & Washington Counties
    Subsidy Amount: Up to $180 Per Bus
  • Outside seven-county metro
    Subsidy Amount: Up to $450 Per Bus