Matinee Resources

Theater Vocabulary

Malandain Ballet Biarritz - La Belle et La Bete

Learn about theater terms and performing arts language

Backstage: the part of the theater which is not seen by the audience, including dressing rooms, wings and the green room.

Box Office: the place that sells tickets to a performance.

Cast: the people who perform in a show.

Choreographer: the person who creates dances and arranges movements for the performance.

Costumer: the person in charge of costumes for a show. 

Stage Crew: all the people who work together backstage on a show except the cast.

Downstage: the part of the stage which is closest to the audience.

Dressing Rooms: rooms in the theater provided for the actors where they change their costumes and put on make-up.

Green Room: a place for the performers to relax while waiting to go on stage.

House: used to describe the audience or as a short way of saying “Front of House”.

House Manager: the person in charge of the theater auditorium and anything to do with the audience. 

Offstage: the area of the stage which the audience cannot see.

Orchestra Pit: an area at the front of house, usually sunken, where musicians and conductor are located during performances with live music.

Props: objects (except costumes or set pieces) that are used on stage by the actors or performers.

Rehearsal: repeated practice in preparation for a performance.

Set: the setting of the stage for each act and all physical things that are used to change the stage for the performance.

Upstage: the area of the stage that is farthest away from the audience.

Wings: the areas of the stage that are to the sides of the acting area and are out of view - these areas are usually masked by curtains.