Storytelling with a Groove

June 18, 2013
Nicole Stumpf

Editor’s Note: Nicole Stumpf, Northrop Marketing and Publicity Intern, recently interviewed Chastity Brown, local Americana soul singer-songwriter, who will be performing at the June 21 concert beginning at 7:00 pm on the Northrop Plaza. Sharing the stage with Chastity will be Southwire and The Ericksons, presenting folk influenced melodies. Don’t miss the powerful presence of Chastity Brown on the University of Minnesota campus.

Nicole Stumpf: How has moving from Tennessee, the country music capital of the U.S., to Minneapolis—which some call the cultural capital of the Midwestimpacted your music and you personally as an artist?

Chastity Brown: When I moved to Minneapolis seven years ago, I had no intentions of playing the music that made up my upbringingfolk and the blues. But somehow, being so far from home allowed me to embrace what is most natural to mestorytelling with a groove.

NS: What topics are important for you to explore in your songwriting?

CB: It’s important to me to tap the vein of the working class, the queer, the misspoken for…and to tell a story that feels true.

NS: I saw you perform at Arts in the Park in Eden Prairie last month. You played a song that was about your mother and childhood, although you said your mother doesn’t have a musical bone in her body despite all of her kids being involved in music. From where did you and your siblings receive musical influence?

CB: Our father was a musician. He passed away when I was young but those are the strongest memories of him…playing music.

NS: How do you think your exposure to a wide range of instruments has changed your music?

CB: I feel that each instrument has the ability to evoke a different part of me creatively. It helps me to play a few so I can keep the wheels turning so to speak. I may not be able to play them well, but they serve a great purpose for story telling

NS: Acoustic Magazine (U.K.) was recently quoted saying that you “evoke the spirit of Roberta Flack and Woody Guthrie.” Have these artists been an inspiration for your music? What other musicians inspire you?

CB: Yes of course. One set a precedent for a beautiful voice while the other is one of the leading grandfather’s of American songwriting. Some of my favorites are Nina Simone, Van Morrison, Bill Withers, and Dolly Parton.

NS: In 2012, you were involved in the Minnesota Beatle Project. (For more information, watch this video that highlights Chastity Brown’s involvement in the Minnesota Beatle Project.) Did you take away something unexpected about the Beatles or yourself as musicians?

CB: Prior to this experience I had never recorded a cover song. That was a unique learning curve for me because I wanted to do something original while at the same time respect the amazingness that is the Beatles.

NS: Since you will be performing at the University of Minnesota, I am curious…do you have a favorite spot on campus? (Mine is probably The Mall or the outdoor patio at Annie’s Parlour in Dinkytown.)

CB: The Varsity Theater is a favorite.

NS: We are excited to have you perform on the Northrop Plaza because of its outdoor location and the ability for people who are out on the University of Minnesota campus to organically come across music. Throughout your career, you have experienced many different types of venues and performances. Do you have a specific, memorable concert experience?

CB: Just a few days ago I opened for Michael Kiwanuka at First Ave. After our set, I was invited to sing a song with him on stage. I nearly melted inside.

*Check out Chastity’s music here on her Bandcamp site. Also, watch this video featuring Chastity Brown performing her song “After You” live on 89.3 The Current!