Socaholix specializes in calypso and soca music
Northrop's Music on the Plaza concert series continues Wed, Jun 20, with Socaholix. Here’s a profile of the band from publicist Felicia Kelly:
Comprised of musicians from Africa and the Caribbean, Socaholix burst on the Minneapolis scene with the fury of a tropical hurricane in 2010. As the only live band in the Twin Cities area that plays calypso and soca music (a hybrid genre that blends soul and calypso music), they have carved out a special niche playing for community events from Elk River to the Minnesota State Fair.
Lead by Prince Jabba of Westmoreland, Jamaica, his vocal range and dynamics allow him to not only sing soca but to navigate the rhythms of roots reggae and dance hall tunes. The intense and undulating drum and bass rhythms are locked down by drummer Lance Pollonais of Trinidad and Onesmo Kibira of Tanzania, while Tony Paul peppers the holes with percussive accents. Charles “Chilly” Petrus of St. Croix bubbles on the keys while the soukous melodies of Siama Matuzigidi’s magical guitar dance over the pulsating sounds of the Caribbean. The ensemble seamlessly weaves the various musical influences of Africa and the Caribbean into a compelling and delightful tapestry.
In 2013, TPT, Channel 2 featured two original Socaholix songs on the series MN Originals. They include the Socaholix song "Jump! Jump! Jump!" and Wave Something! In January 2018, the Socaholix graced the Verizon Live Super Bowl stage to an audience from all over the world.
The band has recently completed the recording of a five-song EP, which will be released in July.