Minneapolis-based dance collective BRKFST Dance Company brings their 10-year anniversary performance to the Walker Art Center Jun 8-9, closing out Northrop’s 2023-24 season. The program features two wildly different works: STORMCLUTTER, a world premiere Northrop Centennial Commission, and Dancers, Dreamers, and Presidents, a restaging of a beloved piece. Learn more about BRKFST.

BRKFST Dance Company members Renée Copeland, Travis Johnson, Marie Thayer, Lisa Berman, Azaria Evans-Parham, and Joe Tran. Photo © Shane Wynn.
Real Minnesotan Breaking

Photo © Shane Wynn.
World Premiere of a Whirlwind

Children break dancing in the street, Sep 21, 1984. Photo by: Sean Kardon, Associated Press.
"Each One Teach One"
BRKFST and the Minnesota Orchestra.
Meet the "Omnivore Artist"

Photo by Bill Cameron
Dreamers and Doers
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
STORMCLUTTER is originally commissioned by The Cowles Center, Northrop, Princeton University’s Lewis Center for the Arts’ Caroline Hearst Choreographer-In-Residence Program and is a National Performance Network (NPN) Creation and Development Fund Project co-commissioned by John Michael Kohler Arts Center, National Center for Choreography at The University of Akron, Bates Dance Festival and NPN. The Creation and Development Fund is supported by The Doris Duke Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts (a federal agency). BRKFST Dance Company is the recipient of a creative residency at The National Center for Choreography-Akron. The development of STORMCLUTTER was made possible in part by The National Center for Choreography-Akron.
The creation and premiere of Dancers, Dreamers, and Presidents was made possible by the New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Dance Project, with lead funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Mellon Foundation and was also commissioned by the Hartford Symphony Orchestra of Hartford, CT and the Minnesota Orchestra of Minneapolis, MN.
Northrop and BRKFST wish to thank the Walker Art Center for providing its McGuire Theater and staff management support at a time of pressing need due to the unexpected closure of Cowles Center for the Arts.