Recommended for Grades 5-12

Celebrate 75 years of Limón Dance Company! Learn how legendary dancer and choreographer, José Limón, impacted the modern dance world in a program that honors his legacy as a dance icon and Mexican-American. The program includes excerpts from the Northrop Centennial Commission, Migrant Mother by Raúl Tamez, as well as a reimagination of Limón's first major solo, Danzas Mexicanas. The Limón modern dance classic Psalm (featuring student dancers from UMN’s Dance Department) will include the original score not heard in decades.


“Limón’s heroic style felt fresh with possibilities.” —The New York Times

“The exquisite choreography and the dancers' technical brilliance confers a complete depiction of Limon's depth of humanity.” —Eye on Dance


event details


In-person / Livestream: Thu, Nov 17, 10:30 am CT 
On-demand: through Dec 2

Recommended for Grades 5-12


  • In-person: $3.50 per person 
  • Livestream / On-demand:
    • $25 per classroom
    • $5 per homeschool


 sensory friendly icon - lotus flowerSensory Friendly Lounge

A Sensory Friendly Lounge equipped with sensory supports and staffed by trained volunteers will be available to all guests who are seeking a safe and soothing atmosphere during this and other select performances. Learn more here.


Teacher & Student Resources

Find educational resources in the tabs below to use before and after the performance.

Pre-event video (in-person)

Watch the informational video that will play in the theatre before the event.

Pre-event video (On-demand)

Watch the on-demand version of the informational video that will play before the event.

Write a Review

Use this writing activity for students to evaluate the performance in a review format.

Ask students to imagine that they are an arts critic for the school newspaper. They are going to write a review of the performance to inform others about what they experienced. They should describe with detail and accuracy:

  • What they saw 
  • What they heard 
  • What the performance was about (in their opinion) or the story it conveyed 
  • How the performance made them feel 
  • What the performance reminded them of 
  • What their favorite part was and why 
  • Would they recommend it and why

Remind the students that they must paint a picture of the experience with their words so that others who did not see the performance can imagine it as vividly as possible.

3 Limon dancers in arabesque with arms up

Connect with the company

Learn more about Limón Dance Company by visiting their website.


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National Endowment for the Arts

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

Learn More About Northrop's K-12 Programs

Online and on-demand to fit any schedule

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