Northrop Presents
Emily Johnson/Catalyst
Past event
Jun 20, 2014
Jun 21, 2014

SHORE: PERFORMANCE (outdoor and indoor installation) RAIN OR SHINE Friday June 20 and Saturday 21, 2014SHORE Performance begins at 8:00 pm on Northrop Mall and continues with a short walk into the Carlson Family Stage in Northrop. Full performance is approximately 1.5 hours. Contains partial nudity.
SHORE : PERFORMANCES feature live music with singing by Nona Marie Invie (Dark Dark Dark) and The Anonymous Choir, as well as a large cast of twenty local dancers, and a special collaboration with Young Dance. Music and Sound Direction by James Everest.
Please pick up your tickets at Northrop Tickets and Events Office (on the ground floor of both east and west entrances) and come out to Northrop Mall by 8:00 pm. Allow ample time to park, pick up your ticket at Northrop, and get to Northrop Mall!SHORE is Emily Johnson/Catalyst's new dance work. It is the third in a trilogy of works that began with The Thank-you Bar, and continued with Niicugni. SHORE is a multi-day performance installation of dance, story, volunteerism, and feasting. It is a celebration of the places where we meet and merge—land and water, performer and audience, art and community, past, present, and future. Join us for one part of SHORE, or better yet, all four!