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A sensory friendly show created by one of the world’s most creative dance companies. We usually view rules negatively, but Rules @ Play explores how rules actually provide opportunities to solve problems and overcome challenges. They spark creativity, and in this case, give Pilobolus tools to make dances. Fun, engaging and accessible with lowered sound, raised lights, and a relaxed atmosphere, the dancers perform and analyze some of the company's pieces through movement and discussion on and off stage, showcasing the benefit of playing by the rules.


sensory friendly icon - lotus flowerSensory Friendly Performance

This special event provides attendees the opportunity to enjoy live performance in a welcoming and supportive environment that accommodates specific needs and includes:

  • Lower sound levels, especially for startling or loud sounds
  • House lights on at a low level throughout the performance
  • Accommodation for vocalizing and movement in the theater
  • Trained volunteers on site during the entire performance
  • Access to Live Captioning 
  • Access to a Sensory Friendly Lounge equipped with a variety of sensory supports and staffed by trained volunteers

Audience members are welcome to bring their own manipulatives, seat cushions, comfort objects and extra support items to the show. Attendees may select their own seats, but if special assistance or a buffer seat is needed, please contact the Box Office at 612-624-2345. Thank you to our community partner, AuSM.



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This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. To find out more about how National Endowment for the Arts grants impact individuals and communities, visit