Oromo Student Union Presents
Oromo Night
Past event
Mar 02, 2024
All Attendees Must Be 18+

Join the Oromo Student Union for a deep dive into the rich Oromo culture with dances, performances, and a drama! This year's Oromo Night theme is "Coming to America."
*Free for UMN students. Present UCard at the Box Office to get a student ticket.
*ALERT: All attendees must be 18+ and will be required to show a valid government-issued ID to enter the building. No bags larger than a small purse will be allowed.
If you need assistance with your tickets, please call 612-624-2345, email umntix@umn.edu.
The University of Minnesota is not endorsing or sponsoring the activities conducted by the presenter(s) of this event on the University of Minnesota campus. The presenter(s) of this event are a Registered Student Organization and are independent from the University of Minnesota.