Oil! And The Jungle facilitates a critical encounter between two of Upton Sinclair's most famous muckraking novels and demonstrates how the themes of those works - capitalism and the degradation of the human spirit in pursuit of profit - are still relevant today. The play presents two intentionally separate yet inevitably interwoven worlds. One, the struggles of the worker in the Chicago stockyards attempting to survive in a system that values them solely for their ability to produce a profit. The other, the social elite living the "dream" in a realm steeped in corruption and deception where they play out their financial dealing on Wall Street without concern for how it will affect Main Street. The play explores the separation and interaction of these two worlds through highly physical performance, music and poetry.
Fri, Apr 8 - Opening Night ReceptionSun, Apr 10 - AD Performance with Rick Jacobson describingThu, Apr 14 - Talk BackSat, Apr 16 - ASL Performance
Creative collaboration led by Kym Longhi & Karla Grotting
Discounts available for groups of 15 or more and for Fringe Festival button holders. Restrictions may apply.