Northrop Presents

I Dream of Wires

2017//18 Northrop Film Series
Past event
Apr 25, 2018
I Dream of Wires

A documentary about the rise, fall, and rebirth of the machine that shaped electronic music: the modular synthesizer. Exploring the synthesizer's history, the film reveals how innovators like Robert Moog developed the first room-sized prototypes, its meteoric rise in popularity, and later, its obsolescence caused by a flood of cheap knockoffs. Today, a whole new generation of musicians at the forefront of EDM (electronic dance music have made the modular synthesizer—no longer an esoteric curiosity—an essential tool for radical new sounds.

We invite you to stay after the film and join in a post-screening discussion and with electronic music composer and artist Caly McMorrow as she leads the audience is a demo of her Prophet 600 synth.