Evolution of Medicine Presents

Functional Forum: The Evolution of Primary Care

Past event
May 01, 2017
Functional Forum: The Evolution of Primary Care

6:00 PM - 6:45 PM:  Memorial Hall Pre-reception & Book Signing(Food, drinks, & a copy of James Maskell's Evolution of Medicine included in ticket)Join the Evolution of Medicine as we present the Functional Forum: Evolution of Primary Care. During this episode we will not only be looking at the clinical models, but also evolved delivery models including micropractices, membership models, and episodes of care. We'll feature a variety of guests from across the professions set to this evolution.

First, we welcome Dr. Thomas Sult who brings decades of experience treating tough cases. He's on the faculty at the Institute for Functional Medicine and will be sharing insight from his clinic "Third Opinion." Next, Dr. Kristi Hughes will share a mix of clinical and practical pearls about operating a functional medicine practice on the front lines. 

We're also very excited to welcome Dr. Sachin Patel of the Living Proof Institute as our other keynote speaker. Dr. Patel has been innovating the group structure, marketing, and patient acquisition. Joining this group of practitioners is journalist, Pilar Gerasimo, founding editor of Experience Life magazine who has been covering the emergence of functional medicine for more than a decade.