UMN School of Music Presents
ElectroAcoustic Organ Concert
Past event
May 07, 2024

During this concert, the University of Minnesota School of Music presents works written specifically for Northrop’s pipe organ, with live electronics by graduate composition students, and live electronics and audiovisual projects by students from diverse fields. All works were created during the Spring 2024 semester in the course Creating Music with MaxMSP, directed by assistant professor and electroacoustic composer, Sivan Cohen Elias.
During the course, students from diverse musical and technological backgrounds share a passion for music-making and computer programming—using the cutting-edge graphical programming environment MaxMSP, they learn creative and technical skills for the creation of experimental real-time digital sound extension.
Alongside electronic works by students from diverse fields, the program includes:
Organ and live electronics pieces performed by:
Dean Billmeyer, Emily Roth, Nils Halker, and Brenda Sevcik
Composed and electronic performances by:
Day Marvel, Jacob Frost, Jordan Gatesmith, Maria Arriola, Nate Krebs, and Xin He.