American Ballet Theatre

Past event
Oct 09, 1989
Oct 10, 1989
Oct 11, 1989
Oct 12, 1989
Oct 13, 1989
Oct 14, 1989

50th Anniversay of American Ballet Theatre 
Artistic Dir: Mikhail Baryshnikov

Oct 9 Program: Les Sylphides, Duets, Quartet, Bourrée Fantasque

Oct 10 Program: Theme and Variations, Duets, The Garden of Villandry, In The Upper Room 

Oct 11 Program: Les Sylphides, Airs, Bourrée Fantasque

Oct 12 Program: Theme and Variations, Some Assembly Required, Jardin Aux Lilas, Push Comes to Shove

Oct 13 Program: Giselle

Oct 14  Program: Theme and Variations, Some Assembly Required, Jordin Aux Lilas, Push Comes to Shove