Northrop Presents
Jessica Lang Dance
2015//16 Northrop Season
Past event
Feb 13, 2016
Lines CubedMendelssohn/IncompleteAmong the StarsThe CallingWhite (film)i.n.k.
One of today's most talked-about contemporary ballet choreographers, Jessica Lang is know for her inventive vision, deep artistry and emotionally spellbinding works. With a repertoire packed full of the stunning movement, dynamic visuals, and multimedia, this promises to be the hottest show of winter.
Lines Cubed draws inspiration from renowned artist Piet Mondrian, bringing to life the two-dimensional concept with three-dimensional movement. The ensemble piece Mendolssohn/Incomplete is followed by Among the Stars, an emotionally-driven lyrical duet set to a score by Ryuichi Sakamoto.
The Calling, a transcendent solo, follows intermission while White is a film through which the New York Times notes Lang “convey(s) the poignancy of dance (and) the heartbreaking desire for moments to stretch for as long as possible.” Finally, the inventive i.n.k., set against a beautiful film backdrop created by Shinichi Maruyama, illustrates the fluidity of Japanese ink and water colliding in air.
"An exquisite lyrical performance filled with sensual chemistry" – Dallas Dance Examiner