Northrop Presents

Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre with The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra

2018-19 Northrop Season
Past event
Nov 08, 2018
 Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre with The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra

Mozart In MotionPetite Mort by Jiří KyliánDivertimento No. 15 by George BalanchineSechs Tänze by Jiří Kylián

A tantalizing mix of classical, contemporary, and comic ballets danced by one of America’s most exciting companies is paired with Mozart’s delectable music, played live by the incomparable Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra. Mozart in Motion promises to be a “can’t miss” feast for the senses. George Balanchine’s Divertimento No. 15 has been hailed by The New York Times as “the most sublime choreography ever made to music by Mozart.” Jiří Kylián combines physical comedy with powdered wigs and dry wit in Sechs Tänze, while his profound Petite Mort integrates fencing foils and black silks with powerful athleticism and musicality, to striking effect.


This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.


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